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(RE)CLAIMING Healing Coursework (Pre-Paid)

  • 78Steps


Weekly lessons and worksheets will be uploaded and ready for you to access before we meet during our weekly group coaching calls. Welcome to (RE)CLAIMING - A 5 Point Pathway to Healing Self-Worth! This course work is only available to members who have pre-paid for the (RE)CLAIMING healing group. If you would like to join the next group, please join the wait list!

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Group Discussion

This program is connected to a group. You’ll be added once you join the program.

(RE)CLAIMING Coursework - Member's Group

(RE)CLAIMING Coursework - Member's Group

Private 12 Members

Let's chat!

If you'd like to reach out directly or have any questions, just reach out and say hello! :) 

Thank you!

Welcome to the circle!

© 2021 All Rights Reserved by Nicole Torres - Ouroboros Healing. Photos by Sasha Sheldon

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